Who lives in the human body. Human Body in Numbers (Interesting Facts)

Basically, pathogenic organisms consume nutrients and that a person receives from food. Perhaps this behavior of "uninvited guests" explains the fact that many people leading a correct lifestyle, watching over their health and nutrition, do not get the desired result, since these "parasites" take all the best, leaving only a small particle of useful substances to a person. These creatures are so cunning that they often disguise themselves as other diseases, and a person can go to doctors for years, but not notice a positive result in treatment.

Foreign organisms can enter the human body in several ways, but most often, infection occurs through:

For the first time, a pinworm enters a child's body with dirty hands, through dishes, underwear, toys of other children.

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene
  • Lack of contact with stray animals
  • Keep children away from pets
  • When playing with a child on the street, make sure that he does not pick up various objects
  • Be sure to wash your hands after playing in the sandbox.
  • When walking, do not eat outside, only after washing your hands
  • Regular house cleaning
  • Eat only vegetables, fruits, washed and processed under boiling water
  • Eat only well-cooked or roasted meat
  • Drink only boiled water

Squid semen
This incident happened to a 63-year-old resident South Korea... Eating half-raw squid in a restaurant, she suddenly felt a disgusting taste in her mouth, and then - the urge to vomit. As time went on, but she did not get better, and she had to see a doctor. He told the victim that a squid spermatophore, a repository of the male's sperm, had fallen into her teeth. Squid spermatozoa, as it turned out, are incompatible with the human body - at least without harm to this body. Fortunately, they cannot develop in it, so parting with vile food was not particularly painful for the victim.

57 fly larvae
Not everyone knows that a fly is an insect that is deadly to humans. At least if it gets stuck in his ear. This is exactly what happened to a 92-year-old patient, from whose ear doctors removed a dead fly and 57 live larvae. The fly appeared to be stuck in the ear when it was time for it to lay its eggs. A few days later, when the developing larvae began to cause unbearable pain to the patient, she nevertheless turned to doctors who saved her from suffering.

Several hundred larvae
The story of 57 larvae in the ear is nothing before the case of a Hindu who consulted a doctor for an ear infection. After examining the patient, the doctor realized that it was not an infection - hundreds of small fly larvae were simply devouring the flesh of a man alive! He had to endure a very painful procedure for their removal, and then he had to undergo treatment for a long time.

Plants in the lungs
Massachusetts resident Ronan Swedan couldn't get rid of his cough for many months. Doctors suspected he had a tumor in his lungs, but X-rays revealed a much more exotic cause for his suffering. Apparently, once Ronan swallowed a pea, which by accident went into the respiratory tract ... and sprouted in the lungs! The man had to undergo an operation that saved him from the garden in his lungs.

Fish in the bladder
Men who find themselves on the shores of the Amazon or the Ganges should never urinate in the water! Local small fish are attracted by the smell of urine - so much so that, when they swim up to the violator of sanitary norms, they swim to the source of the aromas, penetrating the penis and urethra and delivering a lot of suffering to the victim. Indian doctors recently described a case when such a fish, only 2 centietra long, swam down the urethra into the bladder of a local young man, and in order to remove the source of suffering, he had to undergo a complex surgical operation.

Fish in the lungs
Tourists are often warned against drinking water from Indian rivers. Local residents are much more indifferent to this - and in vain! Recently, a boy was admitted to a hospital in India with breathing problems. X-rays revealed that his lung contains ... a live fish 7 centimeters long! As it turned out, the victim was playing with friends on the river in a game popular with local boys "who will swallow live fish?" The young daredevil managed to swallow it - but the fish got into the wrong throat, and as a result, the boy had to go under the surgeon's knife.

Acne in the bladder
This story happened to an elderly Chinese man who was seduced by a "fish peel" - a bath with conger eels, which, according to the organizer of the event, were supposed to bite off pieces of keratinized skin from the body. But one of the acne chose to act differently - and climbed the patient's ureter directly into the bladder. When the surgeons removed the eel and measured it, it turned out to be almost 15 centimeters. One can imagine the suffering of the unfortunate!

Acne in the intestines
This wild story also happened in China and also with eel. But only in this case, the victim launched it into the body of his own free will. While watching pornography, a Chinese man decided to give himself an exquisite pleasure - and launched a live eel into the rectum! It is not known what he was counting on, but the eel, feeling trapped, tried to make its way to freedom, for which he gnawed the large intestine of the pervert - and immediately got entangled in the internal organs. The sufferer was taken to the hospital with severe internal bleeding, and the doctors had to spend a lot of effort to keep him alive.

Larvae in hair
This happened to a Colorado resident in 2007. The man suffered from itching in the scalp for many weeks. Shampoos and dandruff remedies were ineffective. The itching turned into pain, which soon became completely unbearable. Only then the unfortunate man went to the doctor, who discovered that he had laid gadfly larvae under the man's hair. They grew and fed right under the scalp of the victim, and were already quite large. As soon as the doctors removed them, the patient immediately recovered.

Cockroach in the ear
Small flies and midges get into the ears of children and adults quite often. However, Australian Hendrik Helmer can be considered the record holder in this respect: when he came to the doctor with a complaint of unbearable ear pain, the doctor removed an almost three-centimeter cockroach from his ear canal! Due to the size of the insect, it was not so easy to do this, and the doctor had to work a lot with tweezers in order to evict the intruder and not damage the patient's eardrum. Fortunately, everything ended well.

Own twin
In medicine, only a few such cases have been noted, and each of them makes you flinch with horror and disgust. One of them happened in June 1999 in India. A man named Sanju Bhagat, during a routine examination, learned that his bulky belly was not at all the result of a passion for beer and sweets. As it turned out, in the stomach of 36-year-old Bhagat lived his half-formed twin brother, underdeveloped during the prenatal period. The surgeons relieved Bhagat of this burden, after which the man felt great relief.

Negleria Fowler

1. Affected brain


2. Blindness

Filaria Bancroft

Loa loa


Guinea worm

6. When a person swims or bathes in reservoirs with unfiltered water, he can swallow a water flea. These fleas love polluted lakes and ponds, where they sit and wait for their prey. When they enter the stomach, the gastric juice dissolves the flea, but the rishta that was inside the flea (dracunculiasis) passes on. A year later, the worm already reaches a length of 60-90 cm. The human body becomes small for him, and he tries to get out of it to the surface. The body begins to burn, there is a desire to plunge into cold water to get rid of the burning sensation and pain. But this is what the worm needs! He releases thousands of his larvae into the water, and he himself remains in the body.

Common Vandellia - Vampire Fish

7. Both parents and representatives of the authorities always remind that it is forbidden to write in a river or lake or a pool. Now, for sure, no one will do this after reading about the usual vandellia. It is a very small fish living in the Amazon that enters the bladder during urination. In the body, it feeds on blood and flesh, causing severe pain.


8. Ascaris, an annelid worm, in the human body can grow up to 30 cm in length. It is easy to get infected in rural areas. Her living inside is not accompanied by any symptoms until the number of worms reaches a maximum. If this happens, then headaches, fever, nausea, diarrhea, etc. will torment. Basically, roundworms affect children more often than adults, since they wash their hands less often.

Itch itching

The tapeworm

10. The tapeworm is the worst parasite, so to speak. It mainly lives in the human brain and lives for 20 years. During this period, symptoms appear that are so common that it is extremely difficult to associate them with the vital activity of the parasite. When he grows up, he seeks to kill his master. You can become infected with the parasite by drinking contaminated water and meat.

Man is a unique creature. All possibilities are still unknown human body... And the ones we learn about from scientific research are amazing and make you think. We have collected 103 facts about the human body that will delight and amaze you!

  • The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  • The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.
  • Up to seven months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.
  • Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.
  • When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even the heart.
  • A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km / h.
  • One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the phones in the world put together.
  • The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough water to fill a 50-liter barrel.
  • The human heart pumps 48 million gallons of blood in its lifetime.
  • 50,000 cells in your body die off and are replaced with new ones while you read this sentence.
  • The embryo acquires fingerprints from the age of 3 months.
  • Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
  • Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.
  • Right-handed people live an average of nine years longer than left-handers.
  • About two-thirds of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.
  • A person forgets 90% of his dreams.
  • The total length of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers.
  • In spring, the respiratory rate is on average one third higher than in autumn.
  • By the end of life, a person memorizes an average of 150 trillion bits of information.
  • 80% of the heat of the human body leaves the head.
  • When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
  • The feeling of thirst appears with a loss of water equal to one percent of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% to death from withering.
  • At least 700 enzymes work in the human body.
  • On average, a 4-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.
  • In addition to people, koalas also have unique fingerprints.
  • Only 1% of bacteria cause disease in humans.
  • All people on the planet can be comfortably packed into a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.
  • The scientific name for the navel is umbilicus.
  • The tooth is the only part of the human body that is incapable of self-healing.
  • The average time it takes for a person to fall asleep is 7 minutes.
  • The right-hander chews most of the food on the right side of the jaw, and vice versa, the left-hander - on the left.
  • In the world, only 7% are left-handed.
  • The scent of apples and bananas helps the body lose weight.
  • The length of hair on the head, grown on average by a person during his life, is 725 kilometers.
  • Among people who can move their ears, only one third can move one ear.
  • The average person swallows 8 small spiders in their entire life.
  • The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms.
  • 99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.
  • Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases the heart rate to a frequency of 100 or more beats per minute.
  • The absolute strength of the chewing muscles on one side is 195 kilograms.
  • During a kiss, 278 different cultures of bacteria are transmitted from one person to another. Fortunately, 95% of them are harmless.
  • Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.
  • Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
  • If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, then you get only a small screw for a watch.
  • There are over 100 different viruses that cause the common cold.
  • A kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum at normalizing the acidity in the mouth.
  • By banging your head against a wall, you can lose 150 calories per hour.
  • Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.
  • During a lifetime, human skin is replaced about 1000 times.
  • A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day drinks half a cup of tar a year.
  • Women blink about 2 times less often than men.
  • The human body contains only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
  • A real passionate kiss triggers the same chemical reactions in the brain as skydiving and pistol shooting.
  • Men are considered dwarfs when they are below 130 cm, women are below 120 cm.
  • Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.
  • People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than anyone else.
  • Nerve impulses in the human body travel at a speed of about 90 meters per second.
  • In the human brain, 100,000 chemical reactions take place in one second.
  • Babies are born without knee caps. They only appear at the age of 2-6 years.
  • If one of the identical twins lacks a particular tooth, as a rule, the other twin is missing the same tooth.
  • The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
  • On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in their entire life.
  • Blondes grow beards faster than brunettes.
  • Leukocytes in the human body live for 2-4 days, and erythrocytes for 3-4 months.
  • The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  • The size of a person's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult's heart is 220-260 grams.
  • From the moment of birth, 14 billion cells already exist in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years, it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In a minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50, neurons (nerve cells) dry out and the volume of the brain shrinks.
  • At birth, there are about 300 bones in a child's body; in adulthood, there are only 206 of them.
  • The human small intestine during life has a length of about 2.5 meters. After his death, when the musculature of the intestinal wall relaxes, its length reaches 6 meters.
  • Right human lung holds more air than the left.
  • An adult takes about 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) per day.
  • The smallest cells in a man's body are sperm cells.
  • There are about 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth.
  • There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.
  • Human eye able to distinguish 10,000,000 color shades.
  • The chemical compound responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine) is present in chocolate.
  • The human heart creates enough pressure to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.
  • In a dream, a person burns more calories than while watching TV.
  • Children grow fastest in the spring.
  • Every year, more than two thousand left-handers die due to errors in the operation of mechanisms designed for right-handers.
  • It turns out that every three hundredth man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.
  • A person uses 17 muscles when smiling and 43 when frowning.
  • By the age of 60, most people have lost half of their taste buds ..
  • As you know, people are animals too. However, we are the only ones who can copulate face to face.
  • During the flight of a person in an airplane, the rate of growth of his hair doubles.
  • One percent of people can see infrared and one percent can see ultraviolet radiation.
  • If you are locked in a completely closed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.
  • On average, a person spends two weeks of his life standing at a traffic light.
  • According to statistics, only one person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.
  • A normal person laughs five times a day.
  • The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.
  • The retina inside the eye covers about 650 sq. Mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black and white vision and seven million cones for color vision.
  • Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  • In the morning, a person is about 8 millimeters taller than in the evening.
  • The focusing muscles of the eye move 100,000 times a day. For the muscles in your legs to make the same number of contractions, you need to walk 80 kilometers (50 miles) a day.
  • The average person produces nearly a liter of sweat per day.
  • A cough is an explosive charge of air that travels at speeds up to 60 mph.
  • The risk of heart attack is higher on Monday than any other day of the week, according to German researchers.
  • Bone is five times stronger than steel.
  • It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes.
  • Ingrown nails are a hereditary trait.
  • A normal person will die from a complete lack of sleep faster than from hunger. Death will occur after about 10 days without sleep, while from hunger - after a few weeks.
  • The average lifespan is 2,475,576,000 seconds, we speak an average of 123,205,750 words, have sex 4,239 times, and emit 60 liters of tears.

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